ridecamp@endurance.net by subject
Starting: Mon 03 Feb 1997 - 11:58:49 PST
Ending: Mon 03 Feb 1997 - 23:21:48 PST
Messages: 1613
- "Arabian Fading Syndrome"
- "Racing"
- #53 Hackamore ? from Kathy Shank
- #53 Hackamore ? from Kathy Shank
- (no subject)
- .Limited Distance
- 1
- 1/4 Horse for endurance
- 100 mile races
- 110 basic necessities for a ride
- 15/15/15
- 1996 Athletic Filles for Sale
- 20 Mule Team Ride
- 8' Cab Over Camper For Sale
- ? regarding barley
- ? regarding Out times, barley, pants
- [Fwd: [Fwd: Estate Horses]]
- [Fwd: Estate Horses]
- [rrr200@sbt.net: RUDE WEBMASTER]
- A friend's horse for sale
- Abused Horse
- Abused Horse in Indiana
- Accel Nutrient List
- Adoption question
- Adventures in Digestion (long)
- AERC Convention
- AERC International News, Feb/Mar 97
- aerc services....
- AERC Survey Choices
- Air Deflectors for Truck Cabs???
- all that feed
- Alternative therapies
- Alternative therapys, CMK again
- anecdotes
- Another possible rescue
- Any FL results?
- anyone on the listserv save the WEG postings?
- anyone there?
- Anyone use a Walkman while you ride?
- Apologies
- Applegate-Lassen 5 day ride (June)
- Arab for Sale (Virginia)
- Arab Gelding
- Arab Mare For Sale
- Arabian Mare For Sale
- Arabian Mare for Sale - N Calif.
- Arabian Wars
- archives
- Arizona
- Articles for Publication
- Attention! NE Riders-your input need for trail planning!
- austrailian saddle
- Bantering on this list
- BC for LD
- Be Prepared
- Beet Pulp
- Best Method for Snow/Ice Riding?
- Big Horn Endurance Saddle
- big horn saddles
- Big Horn vs Sharon Saare
- Big Horn vs SS (and Orthoflex)
- Big Horn/Sharon Saare Saddles
- Biltmore Ride
- Biothane cinch for SS
- Bits
- Bits & Farriers
- bits/vosals/etc
- Book suggestion
- BOZ saddle wanted
- breeding for soundness
- breeding unsound horses
- bumper sticker?
- BVS Ride
- CA misconceptions
- Cabbages and Kings
- Cabbages and Kings/Shagyas
- cabin fever
- Calcium, Phosphorus, LMF and all that feed
- calcium/phosphorous
- Campmor
- Cash Awards
- Central Region
- central region convention
- check out my web page!
- Chiropractor in LA Area
- Choosing a Horse
- Clarify trot easy, trot hard
- classifieds - saddle
- CMK again
- CMK, club foot etc
- collapsible water containers
- Color of Horse
- colors/heat
- Colour
- Colt for sale
- comeback kid
- Communications
- Comparison to Prize Money in Other Sports
- Conditioning
- Conditioning for endurance rides
- Confirmation ??
- Contact Anvil?
- contacts for sport saddle, HW riders, aerc convention
- Convention
- Convention..N. A. Championship
- Cornwall 25 CTR
- Crabbet Gelding for sale
- custom calendars
- Death Valley
- Death Valley Encounter Results
- December archives
- Dennis Reis alumnae?
- Desert Horse for Sale
- Dfficulty in Mounting
- Diagnosis of Salmonella READ NOW IF YOU'RE WORRIED
- Difficulty in Mounting
- downhill
- Dressage
- Dressage on the Trails
- Dressage vrs Conditioning - NOT!
- dressage vs trail
- Drugs and the drug rules
- DVE Result Corrections
- easy boots
- easy-hard trots and more...
- Ed Blanchard?
- Eldric and USET Reaction
- electrolytes
- electrolytes-sugar
- Elevating from LD
- Elevator 25 to 50
- Elk Valley 50
- ending this, hopefully
- Endophytes/Fescue Toxicity...
- Endurance
- Endurance Arab for Sale
- Endurance Chat Room
- Endurance Handbook
- endurance net
- Endurance related gear catalog
- endurance riders handbook on the web
- endurance type horses
- Endurance Vet
- Enduro Online Chat Room
- Entroliths
- Entroliths (long)
- Entry fees
- Equine Chiropractors
- Equine Health Day at University of Missouri
- Estate Horses
- Excessive quoting
- Extended trot vs canter and mares vs geldings
- Extending the Trot and Walk Too
- extra ribs...
- Fainting Horse
- faq
- FAQ Questions, Status
- faq's
- fat
- fat and heart rate
- feeding animal fat to horses
- Feeding/Conditioning
- FEI & Marathons
- FEI Leased Horses
- FEI Marathon: post-ride vet checks
- Fire Mtn. was windy!
- First 100 - Biltmore?
- First event of the season...
- First ride
- fit mares tying up
- Flashy Arab for Sale
- For PNW riders
- For Ride Managers.
- For the price of a pizza.....
- Ford Explorer
- Fresno Area Endurance Riders
- Frozen Lungs
- FS: GG Jabask GrandaughterCheap!
- FW: ? regarding Out times, barley, pants
- FW: classifieds, horses
- FW: endurance riding
- FW: Mare for sale
- FW: Morgan for sale
- FW: training: horse wants to be first always.
- FW: used saddle wanted
- FW: Wanted ad
- FW: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!
- Fwd: skinny old horses, pregnant mares, gaited arabs
- Fwd: The lighter side of LD Posts
- Fwd: What the heck!?! (fwd)
- fyi
- gaited Arabs & Raffles breeding
- gel substitutes
- Gelding For Sale
- Geldings and Registry Updates
- Genetics
- Geo Bun Buster?
- Getting the lowdown.
- Glycogen Loading
- Glycogen Loading (fwd)
- Go The Distance is on the Web!
- going from 25 to a 50
- GPS trail mapping
- GPS Trail measurements
- green brass
- green pasture grass vs oat hay / alfalfa
- Greyhounds and saddles
- Hackamore training
- Hackamores
- Hackamores & etc.
- Hackamores Training
- Hackamores vs. bits
- Hard Surface Problem
- Helmet Hot Button!
- helmets
- Hi!!
- Horse Chiropractic
- horse chiropractor
- Horse for Sale
- Horse Massage Programs
- Horse Pedometer
- Horse Rescue
- horse's for sale add
- Horse/Rider Compatibility/Mismatch?
- Horse/Rider I.D. at events
- Horse/Rider Weight at Tevis
- Horse:Rider Weight
- Horses and Vertigo?
- Horses for sale
- horses for sale, Texas
- horses w/ horns
- Horses wanted - Chicago area
- Horses with a club foot
- Horses, riders, bits ,saddles and etc.
- how do you do it?
- http://www.endurance.net/cgi-bin/search
- Humane Society
- Humane Society (Was: Be prepared)
- humane society alert
- HUMANE SOCIETY is back at it!
- HYPP?, long pasterns, gelding rebates
- IAHA National Championship CTR
- IAHA Sweepstakes
- Illinois/Wisconsin Mentor Needed
- IMB4U Ride Results
- infrared thermography -hand units?
- Inquiry
- International News Part 2
- Interval Training
- Introduction
- Introductions
- Jan. 2
- Jihad faints
- Joe Long - Looking For..
- Juvenile Arabian Leucoderma
- Kanavy Saddle Pad
- Kat & Magnum in So. Cal.,
- Kat., Morabs, Horse Needed, 1st Step, Ti, .....
- Keeping mares and geldings
- Khemosabi
- Khing
- Las Vegas, NV
- latest 0n fat in athletes
- LD
- LD -- answer to Diane Nelson's questions.
- LD and personal goals
- LD Championship
- LD distance survey
- LD in the Ozarks
- LD placement
- LD Rides and Other Rides
- LD Rukus
- LD Sanctioning
- LD..long
- lease gelding available in PA
- length of rides and time
- less than ignorant!
- Let's hear it for ride managers!
- Letting Go vs. Prematurely Taking a Life
- lightweight shoes
- Limited Distance
- Limited Distance Ruckus
- List Coming rides we sponsor
- listserve vs newsgroup
- LMF / Natural Glo
- Long ago and far away in Vermont
- Long SLOW distance
- Looking for advice
- looking for some horses
- Looking for Truman Prevatt
- Lyme Disease
- Lymes Disease
- Magazine articles
- Magnetic /alternative therapies
- Magnetic Field Therapy
- Mail List Manners
- Making do (was: how do you do it?)
- making FAQs for the endurance group
- Management of Tying Up
- Mandatory
- manners
- Marciante Saddle
- Marciante wanted
- Mare for sale
- Mares & SS
- mares tying up
- Mark your calendars - Old Dominion 1997 schedule
- Measuring milage
- Mentor needed
- Mentor needed in NJ/Pa
- Mileage
- Miss Manners cringes
- Molasses and tying up
- molasses in feed
- Monty Roberts Book
- more info on adoption horses]
- more on getting started
- More Saddle opinions
- Morgan horse
- Morgantown, WV move
- Moyle horses
- Moyles and their horses
- Moyles????
- Mustang/Arab cross
- My apologies...
- My GPS stories
- NATRC Region 1 Convention
- Natural Glo
- Natural Glo - calcium/phosphorous
- Natural Glo contact information
- Nature on a ride
- Nature on the Trail
- Navicular, Shoeing, Etc.
- Neck Reining & Farriers
- Need a room at AERC convention?
- need address
- Need horse "rain-coat"
- New Campmor Catalog
- New endurance/trail horse shoeing?
- New Horse-SHAGYA
- New Horse-SHAGYA]
- New in the Northwest
- New Publication from OZ
- New to Nutrition
- New to You and LMF
- New TV show for Trail/Endur/CT riders
- New Year's Special
- newbie with lots of questions! : )
- newsgroup vs listserv
- NH Horse for sale
- No Abuse Intended!!!!!!
- No mail
- Non-metal horse shoes
- Non-typical Endurance Horse
- Non-typical endurance horses
- Non-typical endurance horses (fwd)
- None
- Norfields phone #
- North American Championship
- Northeast Riders/ Trail input
- numbering horses
- Numbers on horses
- Nutrition - open to suggestions!
- Nutrition again
- Nutrition again - gut sounds]
- Nutrition again - gut sounds]]
- Nutrition again]
- Nutrition and Research
- Observation
- odd barn illness
- OF Saddle fit problem
- Olympics, &&, Racing, Saudis, etc.
- Oman
- On-Line Entry Form
- One last Hackamore...
- online ride calendar updated thru 9-15-97
- Oranges & Enteroliths
- Ortho-Flex Saddle For Sale
- OTher stabilized brans
- Ozark Winter I
- Pads
- pants
- Personal and book info
- perspective
- Phone problems
- Phone's are fixed!
- Photographer
- Phyllis Brownlee's horses
- Places to ride near San Francisco??
- Please Ignore - Connectivity Test
- Please remail interval training details + other q's
- PLEEEESE unsubscribe me-somehow!
- PNER convention
- POA as endurance prospect
- Policy on Helmets
- Polish vs Egyptian
- poor conformation
- Possible electrolytes for (human) diabetic
- prize money & awards
- Problem with Sugar?
- Protein and cramps
- Ptomac Fever
- R.K. and L.D.Stewart tribute to Mark Dees
- race horse oats
- re ; trailering woes
- re JTWRIGHT's post
- re Kat's post
- Re US Visit
- Re-Posting Request For Info
- RE: .Limited Distance
- RE: Big Horn/Sharon Saare Saddles
- RE: central region convention
- RE: collapsible water containers
- RE: Comparison to Prize Money in Other Sports
- RE: electrolytes
- RE: Fire Mtn. was windy!
- RE: For Ride Managers.
- RE: Hackamore training
- RE: Horse/Rider Compatibility/Mismatch?
- RE: Khemosabi
- RE: Limited Distance
- RE: Looking for advice
- RE: Marciante Saddle
- RE: Mentor needed
- RE: Nature on a ride
- RE: Non-typical endurance horses
- RE: Please remail interval training details + other q's
- RE: Polish vs Egyptian
- RE: Possible electrolytes for (human) diabetic
- RE: race horse oats
- RE: ridecamp-d Digest V97 #7
- RE: Rocky Mountain Horse
- RE: Saudis?
- RE: sun and shine not cancelled...
- RE: The clubfoot that came and went
- RE: Tina's Regional Org. message
- RE: Trail Mileage - GPS
- RE: trailering woes
- RE:Book
- RE:CANDY--Need a place to rest you & your horses?
- RE:Missouri Horse Council Equine Expo
- RE:sponsorship book
- RE:Tina's Regional Org. message
- Re[2]: Hard Surface Problem
- Re[2]: Lymes Disease
- Re[2]: MSM
- Re[2]: pants
- Re[2]: Polish vs Egyptian
- Re[4]: Lymes Disease---Thanks
- rear end lamness..the rest of the story
- receiving no mail
- recieving no mail
- Redneck
- regional conventions
- Regional Organization
- regional organzations
- Reminder: Bucks County ride cancelled
- reply to horses for sale
- Request
- Request Info
- Resent e mail
- resource for new endurance riders
- Response to Mr. Morris' comments
- Responses to several Topics
- Ride calendar up[dated thru June 1, 1997
- Ride Calendar update through Dec 1997
- Ride Management
- Ride Managers
- ride managers/riders questions
- Ride or Race vs. Multi_Miles
- ride survey suggestion
- ridecamp administration - we're back
- Ridecamp policy and ride results posting
- ridecamp-d Digest V96 #61
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #10
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #11
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #20
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #25
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #31
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #40
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #45
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #47
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #61
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #63
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #64
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #65
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #67
- ridecamp-d Digest V97 #79
- ridecamp-posting
- Rider Questions
- Rider Survey-West Region Riders
- Riding in a halter
- riding in the cold
- riding lessons
- Rocky Mountain Horses
- Rocky Mtn Horse Connections
- Rumors
- rump rugs
- Rump Rugs and Riding Lights
- saddle for sale
- saddle help
- Saddle Pads for SS
- Saddle Wanted
- Saddles for sale
- Salddle For Sale
- Sand colic
- Sand colic and Archive retrieval
- Sarcoids
- Sarcoids (fwd)
- Saudi Arabia
- Saudis
- Saudis//WAHO
- Saudis?
- sending ideas to aerc....
- Sharon Saare
- Sharon Saare saddles
- Shine & Shine Only I
- Shine and Shine Only ride dates
- Shine and Shine only Ride/Cancelled!!!!!!!
- shine and shine ride
- Shine and Shine ride cancelled
- shipping horses
- Shoeing etc.
- slimline pommel bags
- Sloping backs and SS saddles
- Solution suggestion for Jevenile Arabian Leucoderma
- sorry to see you go...
- sorry, everyone
- Spaying
- Speaking of "Smorgasboard"
- Speaking of Cash rewards
- Specific condition question from Kris
- Speed of Absorption (cont)
- Sponsorship
- Sport Psychology for Riders
- Sport Saddle
- Sports Medicine Girths
- Sports Saddle
- Sports saddle ancilliaries for free
- Sports Saddle For Sale
- Sports Saddles For Sale
- SS Girth Galling Can Be Stopped
- SS types
- St.George Sunshine Run
- Start from Scratch
- starting with the group
- Stiff Neck
- Stiff Neck addition
- Stirrups for Sale
- stop sending me stuff
- stop sending me stuff (fwd)
- Strappers
- Strapping
- Stretching Clinic
- sun and shine not cancelled...
- Survey - AERC and Cash
- susan
- Susan: latest 0n fat in athletes
- Suspensory Injuries
- Suspensory Injuries]
- Sweet feed
- Sweet feeds & performance
- Syd Hill Endurance Saddle For Sale
- Synergist Saddles
- Tack
- Terry Wooley-Howe does it AGAIN
- Test
- TEVIS '96 Blood Testing Results
- Thank you Robert Morris! :)
- Thanks from Tom
- Thanks to all on the adoption question
- Thanks to Bob Morris
- Thanks Wendy & Lari Shea
- Thanks!
- the 1997 NATRC calendar is now available
- The Anvil
- The clubfoot that came and went
- The Extended (actually lengthened) Trot
- The extended trot
- The extended trot vs "disunited trot"
- The lighter side of LD Posts
- the perfect 10
- The Trail Rider Magazine
- Therapautic Horse Shoes
- therapist making money on QH
- This list
- Three horse trailer
- ti and susan
- To the Olympics
- to the olympics?
- Too many messages
- TPR's etc, for novice endu riders
- Trail Blazer Magazine
- Trail Danger!
- Trail Horse for Sale
- Trail Milage
- Trail Milage - GPS
- Trail saddle?
- Trailblazer Magazine
- Trailer mats
- Trailer woes
- trailering article
- trailering woes
- Trailoring and not eating
- training rides
- Training Video
- training: horse wants to be first always.
- training: Horse won't go through water
- tree-less saddles
- trot easy, trot hard...more questions....
- Twin Oaks Ride
- twuks n twailers
- Typos via angst was Salmonella
- un-sucsribe
- Unidentified subject!
- Unofficial Osceola 100 Results
- Unsoundness vs. breeding stock
- Unwanted mail
- US visit
- Using All Caps in Posts
- vinegar & oranges
- vortex gooseneck
- vosal fit
- Vosals, bosals, hackamores
- Vosals,Hackamores,bits,etc.
- Warner Springs
- Warner Springs Ride
- Water Containers
- WEG postings found thanks to tommy crockett
- weight carrying re. KS Swigart
- weight divisions
- Weights/
- Weights/Bits/Stallions
- what is spam?
- what to do with middle-aged knees
- WHAT!!!!
- Where are you?
- Where is ridecamp?
- Why don't we try working togeather
- Why we use numbers
- Wintec Endurance Sport Saddle
- Wintec Pro Dressage Saddle
- Winter hoof woes & blankets
- Winter shoeing options
- Would Like names of SS distributors near *Denver*
- WOW!!!
- wrong address
- www.campmor.com correct address
- Wyndotte Woods Competitive Trail Ride
- Wysong
- yet another Dressage post
- ZES for Sale
Last message date: Mon 03 Feb 1997 - 23:21:48 PST
Archived on: Mon Feb 03 1997 - 23:22:44 PST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.