Yes, I do train as much as possible doing 20+ miles with small groups
of horses (when it can be arranged), but nothing compares to training a
horse to stay calm when there are 50+ horses going out, or horses ahead
and horses behind, within sight and then out of sight. Therefore, 25
milers are very important training rides in this sense too.
I would also like to know what other CTR there are that are not NATRC
(I'm in No.Cal.). I resent their rules, for example, horses must be
tied to a trailer overnight and not in a corral so they are all treated
equal. Although good discipline, it is not for me. I try to go on
regular riding club rides when I can, but there seems to be a large
portion of heavy western saddle riders on quarter horses and no
trotting, just walk and stopping! To each their own, but this is not
for me.
How you act towards another at a ride is a reflection of how you act
toward people in your life, in all aspects of your life. Those of us
who give know that in giving, we give to ourselves. Those who don't do
not realize what they are missing and should be pitied. So far, the
majority of the horsepeople I've met are givers which attracts me to
this sport.
Off the soapbox now...
Kimberly (&Mystery the fuzzy, dirty, mane knotted but oh, so happy,
Petaluma, CA