Re: Mandatory

karen clanin (
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 15:06:27 -0800 (PST)

>>have an obligation to less advanced riders. If you, as an "advanced" I would
>>rather use the word experienced - would like to encourage and mentor - that's
>>great BUT it is NOT mandatory.
No, it's not mandatory but some people like to give back a little to a sport
that they enjoy and that has been good to them.

Let me tell you a brief story, a dear friend of mine who has been riding
endurance for many years and is well known in the West/SWest regions was in
a competition, because of her big heart she stopped not once, not twice, not
three times but F I V E times to help people along the way. Due to this
generosity she came in dead last and lost her place on the National team she
was had worked incredibly hard for all year long. I'd much rather ride the
trail with this friend than the M A N Y others that passed these people in
need by with only a glance and never a slowing of pace (we all know why they
didn't stop, right?)