This is Kat with Magnum but we are in No. Cal.
Just finally catching up with the archives.
Spent a bit of last week in Minneapolis.
Jeez, it's cold there. :) Magnum got to
stay here. He did not float away in any
floods thank goodness...
I know, it's a bit confusing. I'd love to
be doing REAL dressage with the 'ol guy, but
I have to admit we're just ranch bums.
I think you mean Kat in Orange County, So. Cal
who has much more experience than I both in
Dressage and ex-race horses. :) TB's of course.
The fun thing is we never seem to have the
same opinion... so I'm sure it's confusing for
all. Which is why I always try to sign:
:) - kat
in No. Cal with Magnum the TB ex-racer.