AERC International News, Feb/Mar 97

R. K. and L.D. Stewart (76147.1145@CompuServe.COM)
26 Jan 97 17:12:44 EST


Lori Stewart

On behalf of all AERC International members, I would like to express our deepest
sympathies to the family of Mark Dees. In a way, AERC International lost a
member of its family too. Very early on, Mark joined with the members of AERC
that believed United States endurance riders are the best in the world and they
should be given a chance to prove that, everytime there is a World Endurance
Championship. He also respected the importance of avoiding a negative financial
impact on the AERC when selecting and sending riders to represent our country.
To this end Mark, through contributions from the Eleanor Dees foundation, became
the primary financial benefactor of AERC International. Mark's support gave all
of us a psychological boost and sent us the message that what we wished to
accomplish was important.

Jerry Gillespie DVM, PhD said to me that Mark was one of the most enthusiastic
supporters of the `96 World Championships and that his support meant a lot to
everyone on the management team.

The 1997 North American Championship will feel his loss in a very tangible way.
Mark was going to emcee the event. And as you know, Mark was tops as an emcee!

On a personal level, I will miss his incredible intelligence and dry sense of
humor. I respected his opinions even when they differed from my own. Dave
Nicholson DVM pointed out to me, "Mark went through life at full throttle,
willing to take risks, to step up to the plate. Mark was the real thing!"

Mark enhanced the sport of endurance riding for all of us. He will be missed!


January 1-
Deadline for appointment of Zone Selection Chairman by International
Representative. New International Committee members' 2 yr. terms begin.

January 14th - 19th- AHSA Convention, Princess Resort, San Diego, CA..
Endurance Events Committee meeting the 17th from 5 - 6 pm.

Zones may send to the North American Championship OC a letter of intent to
participate. This will insure that the official NAC Invitation is sent to the
appropriate person.

Pacific North- Nominations Open. For a nomination form contact Chuck Stalley,
Selection Chair, Rt. 1 Box 47, Williams, CA 95987. Ph. 916-473-5882. Close:
April 7.

Mountain Zone- Nominations Open. For a nomination form contact Naomi Tyler,
Zone Representative, 7756 Basin Wy., Boise, ID. 83703. Ph. 208- 939-8087.
Close: May 15.

Central- Nominations Open. For a nomination form contact Carol Patterson, Zone
Selection Chair, 12286 Hwy AA, Neosho, MO., 64850. Phone:417-451-8921. Close
date: March 31.

January 31- Nomination deadline for the positions of National Chef d'Equipe and
National Selection Chair for the 1998 World Endurance Championships.
Applications are sent to the International Chair.


February 17th: East- Nominations Open. For a nomination form contact, Doug
Lietzke, RD 2 Box 125D, Oley, PA 19547. Ph. 610-987-3165. email: Close: March 31st.

February 22
ELDRIC CONVENTION, Montpellier, France

February 20 - 23
AERC CONVENTION, Reno, Nevada. AERC International, USET, and AHSA meeting
times will be posted at the AERC Convention Registration desk. The International
Committee will hold its first meeting on Thursday at 3pm. On Saturday there will
be an open forum meeting from 4:00 to 5:00. Meeting locations will be posted
both at the AERC Convention Registration desk and at the AERC International

Pacific South Nominations open at the AERC Convention. Contact Kathy Campbell,
Zone Selection Chair, for a nomination form. Ph. 510-653-3689.
Close: Not before April 1st.


GO FOR IT! Fill out that nomination to ride for your zone team.!

March 31- East Zone nominations close.
- Central Zone nominations close


Pacific North nomination deadline, April 7th.


Mountain Zone nomination deadline, May 15.


June 19-22
USET Festival of Champions, Gladstone, New Jersey. USET Championship Endurance
Ride, Sunday, June 22nd.

Zone Long List (squad x 3) will be selected by the Zone Selection Committee no
later than 90 days prior to the competition (Article 4.2.3, `96 AERC
International Procedures).

Nominees are strongly encourage to start the horse passport process. Contact
AHSA for the necessary forms.


ENTRIES IN PRINCIPLE: Must reach the OC at least 8 weeks before the event is
due to begin. Entry in principle means that a Zone (NF) has the definite
intention of sending competitors to participate in the event (FEI Rules for
Endurance Riding, Article 8.1).


NOMINATED ENTRIES: These must reach the OC at least 4 weeks before the event.
The Nominated Entries must include a statement of the number of competitors and
horses the Zone (NF) intends to send together with a list of the names of
competitors and horses from which the Definite Entries will be chosen
(FEI Rules for Endurance Riding, Article 8.1).

Squad members and the alternates will be selected by the Zone Selection
Committee no later than 30 days prior to the competition (Article 4.2.3, `96
AERC International Procedures).

August 14th: World Endurance Championship preview endurance ride, Punchestown,
Ireland (45 minutes south of Dublin).


September 5 - 7: FEI European Endurance Championship. Date is pending. Location
to be determined.

DEFINITE ENTRIES must reach the OC by letter or telecommunications at the latest
48 hours preceding the beginning of the Event. This is the final selection of
competitors and horses that will travel to the event(ie. move into secured
stabling). The Definite Entries may not exceed the number of Nominated Entries
and must be chosen from the list of names on the Nominated Entries (FEI Rules
for Endurance Riding, Article 8.3)

September 13th: 1997 FEI North American Championship , Stevenson Ranch, Bend,
Oregon. President of the OC: Heidi Smith DVM, 1764 NE Wilcox, Terrebonne, OR
97760. Ph. (541) 548-1754.


AERC President makes the International Committee Chair appointment with input
from the International Committee members. The appointment is then submitted to
the AERC Board for approval. Note: This is standard procedure for all the AERC

October 31st: Zone Committee Nominations due at the AERC Office.
Deadline for nominations for the USET Endurance Discipline Committee. Submit
nominations to the International Committee Chair. The International committee
will recommend five people to USET to serve on this committee.


International committee elections.
Membership renewal


The International committee submits to USET the names of the 5 people to serve
on the USET Endurance Discipline Committee.

AHSA Endurance Events Committee nominations can be submitted to the Chair of the
Endurance Events Committee for possible appointment and approval at the AHSA
.......................................................................... .
Editorial Deadline for the AERC News is the 5th of each month for the following
month. Please submit contributions for the International Column to the editor
by the 1st of the month. Thank you.

ACTIVE RIDERS, AHSA ENDURANCE EVENTS, had not confirmed their appointed members
by deadline for this issue of Endurance News. Look for complete committee
member listings and an explanation of the function of each committee in the
April International Column.

Maggie Price

We plan to put together in future months a booklet of guidelines about the
how-to's of leasing a horse to be used in an FEI Championship Event. This
process can produce both pride and problems. Having worked in this field during
this last event, I can see that potential lessors need to know more than just
the basic rules. I will talk to many of you at the AERC Convention for ideas,
or you can write or call me with your suggestions. There is no doubt that
LEASING, primarily because of finances, will become a major part of our
international rides in the future. In my opinion, perhaps it is not the best
route for a world championship.

Mike Foss DVM
Vice Chair NAC OC

WE HAVE NOT BEEN WASHED AWAY! Boy what a mess up here. However, the trail is
safe and snug under several feet of snow. The OC continues to make progress.
We have our officials named and are working out arrangements with them.

I wish to dispel a couple of notions at this point. First, all the officials
who are working with us are being very generous and paying most of their
expenses themselves! We can dispel the myth that FEI rides are paid vacations
for the officials. Not true here! Next, FEI continues to be very
cooperative, understanding, and flexible. They have given a lot of breaks to us
and we wish to publicly thank them.

Fund-raising! To that end we have some money in the treasury and the prospect
of more thanks to the generosity and initiative of these companies and

Steve and Dinah Rojek of Smoke Rise Farm qualify as Bronze Medal Sponsors with
their generous donation of $2500. THANK YOU!! Bronze Medal Sponsors will be
acknowledged as RACE SPONSORS by naming a specific segment of the race for them.
They will also have other advertising or promotional options available to them.

Don and Sandy Skinner have donated a 4 year old bay, purebred Arab gelding for
the OC to raffle off. THANKS! This horse will be raffled at the North American
Championship. Tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased at the AERC
International booth or by contacting Heidi Smith DVM (ph. 503-548-1754) or Mike
Foss DVM (ph. 509-493-2389).

Merck has generously donated a very generous supply of Eqvalan paste horse
wormer (ivermectin).. All proceeds from Equvalan wormer sales will go to the
NAC. You have to worm your horses anyway! Why not make this expense go to a
good cause this year and order your wormer from the NAC OC, Mike Foss DVM, PO
Box 356, White Salmon, WA 98672. Price: $12.00 per tube.

The Trask Mountain Challenge, July 26, 1997 hosted by Sherm Litgib, Jo Calver,
and Dale and Ona Lawerence will be a benefit ride this year with all proceeds
going to the NAC. Thank you !!

Naomi Tyler, Mountain Zone International Rep., will host a TTeam Clinic as a
benefit to raise money for the NAC. Thank you!!

(box separate)

FEI REGULATIONS. Currently available: FEI General Regulations, `96 Edition; FEI
Rules for Endurance, `97 Edition; FEI Veterinary Regulations, `94 Edition.
Purchase Information: Cost of each book: $20.00. Postage for three books is
$5.00. Contact- Andrea F. Moore, AHSA, 220 East 42nd St., New York, NY
10017-5876. Phone: 212-972-2472.

HORSE PASSPORT APPLICATIONS: Send your request for an application or passport
renewal to: AHSA, 220 East 42nd St., New York, NY 10017-5876, Attention: Amy
Clarke, International Department. Amy Clarke will also help you with any
follow up questions you may have. Phone:212-972-2472.

E-mail from: R. K. and L.D. Stewart, 26-Jan-1997