Re: horse chiropractor

Joyce Kellenberger (
Wed, 22 Jan 97 19:20:40 PST

> I would like to have a chiropractor examine and perhaps adjust my horse. I
> live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
> Any suggestions?

Several years ago my vet diagnosed my mare with stifles because she was
lame at the trot. I thought she was too young to have stifles. Anyway,
I found a chiropractor who came out and adjusted my mare. He found a
sublexation in the lower back (lumbar?) region. It took one adjustment
and she has never had the problem since. My vet still refuses to believe

Just for grins I've had her adjusted by a local guy, but wasn't as impressed.
His work looked more like hocus pocus to me. What Mitch did was very
specific and he used a mallet and a stick (it's not as bad as it sounds.)
The only time she jumped was when I snapped pictures of the process! She
was perfectly relaxed during the whole thing.

I am a firm believer in the benefits if your horse really needs it. The
problem is finding someone reputable that isn't gonna snow you. Mitch had
told me that it usually only takes once or twice for a horse, yet I see
people having their horses adjusted on a monthly basis. So it's a question
of whether it is a preventative thing (necessary?) or a fix for a specific
problem. For me the latter was true, and it worked. I don't know of anyone
in your area, however.
