> Yes I think the problem is just that - no one likes to be put down for their
> efforts - and it is relative indeed!
Here's the deal with TRAINING RIDES. From my prospective. Call them L.D.
or whatever, but I consider them training rides. Preparing the horse,
that's all. I let him find his own pace within his fitness range. I've
done some that people have, in this forum, complained is abusive time.
After injuries I always bring a horse back using my Vantage XL every step
of the way in L.D. I've finished some in just under time criteria and some
at those speeds folks are saying are unjust. Often just because a horse is
fit enough to perform fast and step well at a 25-30 mile ride it doesn't
mean I'm comfortable with ligaments for longer distance. But usually once
getting in the low time criteria it's just before going back to 50's.
Again we shouldn't point fingers without really being privy to the pointees
training regimen and fitness schedule.
*******Just my two cents all standard disclaimers apply*******
****not the only method on earth just mine that's all****
Tommy Crockett <tomydore@goblin.punk.net>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter