You are welcome to share this with your friend.
Two experiences come to mind when you talk about enjoying nature with
your equine friend. I rode the 1996 Old Dominion 50 on a new horse. As
we were riding down the edge of the valley, I was lulled by Rocket's
rhythmic walk, the warm sun, a slight breeze. As we rounded a corner,
we disturbed cicada (?) who erupted in song so loud that my ears hurt.
The sang to us for the better part of 20 minutes. It was an
unforgettable experience.
The second experience was in early November in SW VA, in the George
Washington National Forest. As we rode in the mountains, we were
enveloped in an icy cloud and it began to snow quite heavily. The
surrounding area looked like greenery with white frosting. My white
horse positively gleamed, and he disappeared in the snowfall if you
stepped away from him a few paces. My husband's coal black horse had
gilded ears - snow had lined the furry edges! The hush that fell around
us was magical that afternoon, disturbed only by the horses' snorting
and their footfall.
Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
Chesapeake, VA