> I would also like to mention that when a ride manager allows 50 milers
> to vet in front of 25s it is usually because the 25 is being run as a
> training ride and the 50 is being run as a race where time is a factor.
> Unless you want ride managers to charge more for limited distance entries
> 25s can have their own vet I think that limited distance riders should allow
> 50s to vet first. If you are there only to condition what does it matter if
> you are held up a few more minutes?
I consider this very poor ride management. There are many rides
(especially in the SE region) where the LD's pay for the ride. We can get
50 to 60 LD's and 30 to 40 50 milers. The LD pay for the ride and they
deserve better than having to stand around letting 50's in front.
The big problem is usually the first check. I try to find ways to minimze
the back up ( instead of taking it out on LD's). Last year I had a 50 mile
loop for the 50's. I had a separate trail for the LD's (which only
overlaped with the 50 mile trail for about 10 miles). I had the LD's go
into the second vet check on the 50 mile loop. I had the LD's go out 30
minutes early so that there would be absolutely no overlap of LD's and 50's
on the same trail. I also hired two extra vets for half a day to handle
the LD's. Everybody was happy with this arrangement.
This year I am running my ride in a different location and don't have the
same ability to give the LD's their own trail. It is a 50 mile loop which
figure 8's through an on trial vet check. I will start the LD's an hour
later to minimize the congestion at the check. I will also have additional
vets for a half day to handle the load. The LD's pay for the ride - it is
the responsiblity of the ride managers to see everyone - including the LD's
- have a good experience.
Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL