Re: LD again. Some of us have full time jobs outside the home and do not
have the opportunity to ride all day and engage in the perfect 50 or 100 mile
conditioning program. Some of us choose not to push our horses beyond what
they are capable and choose to compete in the LD... instead of testing our
horses in 50 and coming up with a lame horse or huge vet bill.
Despite what some of you think (that all horses should be able to complete a
50 if they're worth anything), I think I'll enter the 25 mile ride at 20 Mule
Team instead of the 55 (even though its NOT one of the sanctioned distances
there). THANKS for reminding me of what's right in the long run ---> my
horses' well being.
See y'all on the 25 at 20 Mule Team.