Re: Bits

Mon, 13 Jan 1997 08:43:10, -0500

You've probably gotten lots of answers on this one. I use only eggbutt
snaffles, but have them all. An eggbutt is easier on the corners of the
mouth; it won't pinch. A half cheek is used so you can go to smaller rings
without pulling it through the horse's mouth. Usually used on cart horses.
A full cheek has the same purpose. When you pull sideways, it also puts
pressure on the opposite side of the ...I guess you'd say face.
The larger the ring, the easier the snaffle. I'd sure stay away from
rubber covered bits; never had a horse that would tolerate one at all.
Have found no use whatsoever for a tom thumb. I have used twisted wires on
occassion...lots of control on a horse that won't listen. I have found
that with my uncontrolable stallion that a German martingale with a gentle
eggbutt snaffle works even better than a more severe bit (twisted wire).
Nothing substitutes for fact with the twisted wire on every
occassion I used it more in the beginning and then went to an EASIER bit.
The horses' favorite bit is a metal I haven't seen in a long time. It came
from England. It is not SS, and more dull, not as silver...
If we can, we now ride everyone in sidepulls. The horses are so much
happier without a bit in their mouths, and they drink better. My son rides
a mare who is uncontrolable in anything but a mechanical hackamore,
including all bits! I have a horse who tends to bolt a bit still, so he is
still in a snaffle.
Anyone else with other experiences, feel free to comment!
Happy Trails,
Louise Burton