Re: Cabbages and Kings

Samm C Bartee (
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 12:42:07 -0600 (CST)

> I have been reading the EN results and have noticed that there is
> another trakehner in the S.E region
> that has been doing extremely well. I would love to get in touch with Jim
> and compare notes.
Shirley, I have Jims phone #, but I don't have it here with me at work. I
can try to bring it in sometime before monday if You wish. Someone else
may have it handy before then though. Nina Gibson?
Jim is a super nice gentleman, has been doing endurance since it's
conception--I think--and really knows his stuff. He has completed the
outlaw trail a couple of times that I know of on Lorami Topaz. His son
Duane is a vet here in the SE region, and vets/rides many rides. The
whole family is super nice!!
