Re: Abused Horse
Thu, 9 Jan 1997 12:15:59 -0500 (EST)
Most often, horses who are abused are ignored because of their size and care
by humane workers. The Hooved Animal Humane Society (HAHS) does not only work
in IL but other states. they have helped horses as far as Washington state. I
suggest your friend give a call to them. They also may know of a take-action
humane organization in the area or they even might have an officer that lives
close. Thier publication is Hoofprints which is printed four times a year and
membership including magazine is $35 anually. This is a worthy not-for-profit
society unlike the US Humane Society which wastes donated money.
(815) 337-5563
Fax (815) 337-5569
PO Box 400
Woodstock IL 60098