RE: .Limited Distance

Connie Hoge (
Tue, 28 Jan 97 18:11:16 UT

Sent: Monday, January 27, 1997 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: .Limited Distance

In a message dated 97-01-27 21:51:34 EST, you write:

>>>> I would just like to point out that without LD there would be no
endurance riding as we know it. How many people do you know that have
started their endurance careers on the 50's 75's 100's? I am sure not
to many.
They (LD) are the back bone of the sport. People use them to start
young horses, bring back older ones from injuries see if the horse is
suited for the sport (or person) ect. We see our juniors riders have
their first, first place (junior rider) award. Everyone loves to win,
it's the american way.
It helps to keep the sport alive. Not everyone can ride 50 or more
miles, but most people can compete at 25. It opens up a area for all
people to compete and feel good about their horse and about their win
(yes, to win and stay in the top 10 all season long, it takes a fit
horse and rider, it just does not happen time and time again).
It is also a great place to start your horse before you move them up
to longer distance if that is you wish. It can be a great place to
school your horse to rate, get along in a crowd, learn to go through a
P.R-Vet area ect.
As a ride manager, it also bring in the most riders. There a far more
riders doing the LD then the upper miles. So we need to award the LD
with first place award's and at my ride BC awards (we did not award the
top 10 this year, and alot of LD rides asked us to, this year we will).
If you (ride managers) feel that the riders are going to go to fast,
ask your ride vets to talk to the riders about it at the pre ride talk
and have your vets change the ride pulses to lower. Your vets can be
great at slowing down people if you ask them to and in force the rules
at your ride.>
Happy riding...Dory<<<

This seems to be by night....Sorry, Dory, I is the other way
around even though it may seem like what you are saying. Long before LD got
started, there were and still are CTR's and pleasure rides...Our rides
survivied just fine without LD. I managed rides for ten years, never made a
profit, but never lost either. UMECRA has practically NO LD rides as they
host all their rides along with CTR's. Although I do know (am am beginning to
feel personally) the need for LD rides because not everybody can or wants to
ride 50, they can be a real headache for ride managers. It takes MUCH more
planning to coordinate vet checks to keep riders from being backed up and not
to "offend"'ve seen (surely) the posts where someone complains
because a vet told them to wait for the more important 50's to get through
the vet check...IMO, LD was and is a result of an ever growing need for SOME
people to get instant gratification instead of having to work for it the way
the rest of us do. It is also a way for SOME people to avoid the "politics"
of CTR's. 50 years from now will we have more LD mileage and riders than TRUE
endurance riders??? Rememebr, endurance started out as 100 milers..those
that couldn't do 100's wanted 50's...see what can happen??? (and did happen)


I've got an idea how about splitting the difference & doing a 35, or a 45, or
a 65? Come on - - - Dory does a great job getting over 100 riders in - out
- thru the vet checks - & we all HAVE FUN!

Guess I would be out of what I love to do if all the AERC sanctioned was
100's. First my mare wasn't old enough - & like it or not - I have to work to
support my Habit - which also limits my time to train. Certainly do plan on
doing the Outlaw - even if it takes me YEARS to condition for it!

Connie Hoge