Need horse "rain-coat"

Nancy Churchill (
Fri, 17 Jan 1997 22:19:54 -0800

My horse, Chavo, refuses to come in out of the rain (and kicks down the barn
when locked in), and since we live in Seattle, he now has a pretty good case
of rain scald going. I'm planning on shaving him (just the affected areas,
back and neck) this weekend, and then plan on keeping him blanketed 24 hours
a day, but I need to get a new blanket and hood. Our temps here are
normally not so cold, and all the blankets that I can find with hoods are
too heavy to be worn all day - he breaks out into a sweat.

I just need a lightweight, water-proof sheet (and hood - the scald has moved
up his neck) that will keep him DRY, but not overheated. If you know of
anyplace that sells such a thing, or custom makes blankets, please e-mail me

I did search the archives and found the number for Mary Coleman in PA, so
I'll be checking with her tomorrow, but please let me know if you know of
any other products.

Please email me directly at, I don't want to clutter up
the list with this, but I'm desperate, and endurance people always have the
best equipment sources. Thanks!

Nancy Churchill Redmond, WA