Did they explain why they added dextrose was bad? I could imagine that there
is a greater possibility of bacterial contamination (the bugs would love the
sugar), but from the point of view of absorption having dextrose as well as
salt should be good.
I think Bonnie wrote a couple of posts enquiring about this also; I didn't
see a response.
>From what I recall about human exercise physiology (and maybe species don't
compare well), the thought is if you consume glucose just before the race
you put your body into carbohydrate metabolism - "just got some glucose so I
guess that is my fuel for today". Whereas, if you hold off on the
carbohydrate for a few hours before the race, fat metabolism kicks in
strongly, taking about 30 minutes to be up and running well, so you would be
using fat as well as carbohydrate for energy and potentially have better
endurance. After that, small doses of glucose would be OK, like you would
get in rehydration solutions, because they would help to maintain blood
glucose as well as assist absorption of water and salt. I don't know how
this compares to the horse; I have seen no articles on it. Comments?
Western Australia