[50956] MON 01/27/97 05:24 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Hackamores & etc.;
From: Arabryder@aol.com
I've encountered a couple of situations at rides where people were riding
with halters and not in control of the horses. In each case, I or other
riders were endangered by these horses. So, I'd have to say that so far, I'm
not particularly fond of the thought of being at a ride where halters are
being used instead of bridles.
The atmosphere of a ride is SO intoxicating to most of our horses that the
extra measure of control, whatever that may be, is essential.
Diana & Countach
San Jose, CA
Another thought on riding in halters......I get the feeling that a
lot of folks think that the "mark" of a good horseman is the
ability to ride your horse in a halter! And, those of us that
can't or don't are somehow lacking. Well,
I certainly admire
those that can ride in halters and have control in all situations.
Sure wish I could with my 3. But, mine all came as "trained"
horses with various problems, and despite working with all of them
for years, doubt I could retrain them to go in a halter and have
that reliability. Perhaps a professional could take these horses
and successfully retain them-I do know of some folks that have
been able to do that. Undoubtedly, it makes a difference when
you start a youngster correctly.
But NO ONE knows the problems I have had with my horses. Nobody
else rides them. I caution all of you to be aware if you are
judging a horse and riders competance based on the headgear on
the horse! I sure don't want to be judged if I am going down the
trail with a curb bit!! I could also make the judgement (based on
my riding experience over 25 years) that those who venture out
on the trails riding with halters somehow are lacking critical
brain cells!
Anyway, after seeing that a very famous and successful horse/rider
team, Becky Hart and Rio, go out on rides with a Tteam bit, I feel
a bit better. For those of you that don't know, the Tteam bit is
a specially balanced, LONG shanked CURB, with a port and roller.
To: ridecamp@endurance.net