What would some of the "cues" be to get the horse to accelerate in
this manner? Leg squeeze without letting up on the bit = collection
more than speed, doesn't it? Leg squeeze and relaxing the bit =
extension? How to get him to tuck his back end under and accelerate
for some strides?
I know this sounds really basic, but it is pretty new to me...
thanks for your patience!
>In a message dated 97-01-02 13:59:01 EST, you write:
><< Could you clarify for me trot easy, trot hard? Does this refer to
> speed, length or what? Make it easy...I'm only a human!
> Also, positive dissociation. Could you explain, please.
> >>
>Essentially, an "acceleration" is a surprise increase in
speed--doesn't>really matter how fast you start and how fast you end
up--just a command that>causes the horse to suddenly tuck his butt and
reach out. A little burst,>then come back to the slower trot and wait
for a while, then another sudden>burst. 10 strides, 20 strides, really
doesn't matter as long as the horse has>to change his shape to
accelerate quickly.
>This will lead to the horse driving from behind--and trying to get his
front>feet the hell out of the way. And that will mean the the hind
feet will begin>to impact the ground slightly before the fore feet
do--positive dissociation.