I'm probably going to make some folks mad when I say this but here goes -
work, other committments, etc...are not viable reasons to stay with 25
milers *IF* you want to move up but don't think you can.
First excuse I see most is working full-time - So? Most of us work *shrug*
that's almost a given. We're all doing the same rat-race thing. So, that's
not an excuse, it's just something you work around :-)
Second excuse I see is other commitments - <deep breath> I am a firm
believer in that we all make time for what we *want* to do - no one has
"enough time" - what the heck is enough time, anyway? I hear this all the
time as a part-time aerobics instructor - I just don't have time, etc....No,
what you are saying is you don't want to do this bad enough to *make* time.
For example, how many of you have "gotten into" a new hobby, sport, or toy
at one time? Suddenly you were doing a lot of <whatever>. But wait, that
doesn't mean you had any more time than you had before the new toy entered
your life does it? Heck no - it means you *made* the time for it because you
wanted to at the time. Big difference there - let's call a spade a spade.
So conditioning for a 50 (or a 100 or a 25 for that matter) is really a
matter of priority - do you want to try to move up 50s <or whatever> or do
you want to do <whatver else is taking up your time>? It took me a long time
to come to grips with this concept and stop making these same excuses. It
also helps that I had someone (I'm not naming any names _SAMM_ <g>) knocking
down every excuse I made - just like the ones I'm hearing here. And you know
what? She was right!
None of us has the time, energy or inclination to do everything - we all
pick and choose to some degree how we spend our time. So if you are staying
with 25s and thinking you don't have the time to get your horse ready for a
longer ride, think again - he may be ready and you don't even know it :-).
First off, it doesn't really take any more time in total riding hours -
rather your time is a little better spent with one longer ride (usually on a
weekend) in addition to a couple of medium rides than one hour every day.
Second off, if you are on an Arab, 50 slow miles in one day is not that hard
for these guys. I'll be the *first* to admit I took the easy way out and
opted to do this sport on an Arab - my hats are off to those of you riding
QH, TB, walking horses, and other breeds!!! So...you're horse doesn't have
to be fit enough to do a 5 hour 50 to be able to complete a 50.
The other secret no one tells you that Dave mentioned is that once your
horse is fit enough to do a 50 it doesn't take a tremendous amt. of work to
keep them there.
I have said all this to show that we are all doing this under all kinds of
constraints - myself included. Going from a 25 to a 50 is do-able in spite
of all these other things - you just gotta wanna :-)
***Note: I didn't say you *shouldn't* stay with 25 milers if you want to -
I, like Dave, am speaking to those that are staying with 25s but would like
to move up to 50s but haven't because they don't think 50s are noy an option
due to other committments. Just wanted to make myself clear on that before I
get bombed with hate mail :-)
Tina - going to pick up her flame retardant suit from the cleaners this