All the above is true, however I think the thread that started this discussion was the "disunited trot" as Tom or someone coined it. Anyway, it's
not something that is developed in the show ring. I've not yet seen a showring big enough to develop this trot. It is something you develop on the trail or possibly a race track. It is not an accepted gait from the
classical point of view.
What Diane is emphasizing, I what I concur with totally, is that you must
have a foundation on your horse of classical training, if you want your
horse to last using any of the lengthened gaits.
>A horse needs to first learn collection by being introduced to the
>"long and
>low" way of going. The topline can be developed for a soft, fluid,
>back at any gait by utilizing exercises that teach flexion,
>straightness on
>a curve, and yielding to the aids.
>Goosing a horse into some kind of accelerated pace to achieve some
>notion of
>hind end engagement only teaches him to hollow his back and tighten
>virtually every muscle from the poll back.
This is very true. You see these "goosed" horses at every endurance
ride. They'll even win a 50 or two. But you don't see them year after year. The horse has to stay supple through the back and neck and be off the forehand if you want them to last.
>If you want to teach your horse engagement, do what Sue Greenall
>recommended--use cavaletti as part of your training program, use hills
>teach balance and engagement, learn how to use the aids to round and
>your horse at any gait. Learn how to use transitions to teach
>and collection, and learn how to transition at every gait, with and
These methods are applicable in an arena or on the trail. We should all take advantage of the natural obstacles we encounter on the trail during
our long-slow-distance training to achieve this responsiveness,
collection and smooth transitions.
>The bottom line is...there is no quick fix. Classical training
>correctness...and that leads to an obedient, soft, happy partner on
>Diane @ Safe Haven
Great advise Diane.
I might add that once you do get your horse going nice and round and
responsive, the transitions to the lengthened gaits will come more
easily and correctly. But you should ask for these lengthened gaits in
increments. Development happens over periods of years, not months.
Ask experienced endurance riders what was the biggest mistake they've
made in their careers and many will say they--"went too fast, too soon".
It takes time and patience to develop a horse and horsemanship.
Classic training will speed up both processes.
Linda VanCeylon & Buhni