Aerc Rule 6 states "Completion requires meeting all of the following
criteria: (a.) All riders and mounts must be present and accounted for
at the start of the ride...."
The rule was established to keep one from riding an event and then
going to a second event. I know it sounds crazy but there were a few
folks going for nation milage championships who would do such a thing.
Now days, if you are in camp, saddled or not, you meet the rule's
intent. But I suspect you will not be able to get an AERC representative
to say so. They generally avoid any absolute statements regarding the
application of our rules.
Most ride managers will let you go as you please. But be considerate
and ask the ride manager first, the staffing of vet checks is often time
intensive. Also your alloted time (12 hours for a 50) will start when
the main group leaves. Nothing in the AERC rules says this is mandatory,
it is just the accepted custom.
As for barley, we don't feed it. Maybe someone else can address your
To the tights issue, real men do wear tights, they just pick the right
color. Lighter colors tend to show bulges (fat ot otherwise!).
Also athletic supporters are not very comfortable for riding. Most of
us use athletic jocky shorts. Some use pantyhose. If he can't get past
the image problem, let him ride in jeans. I rode in them for years but
finally wised-up. To some of us comfort and performance are far more
important than image.
Hope this helps.
Ramey Peticolas-Stroud