Re: colors/heat

Duncan Fletcher (
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 13:38:44 -0800

To the extent that color has any effect, a dark horse will radiate heat more quickly
from that portion of the coat not directly exposed to a heat source (read that as sun,
unless ground temp is higher than body temp) and absorb heat more readily on that part
of his coat that is exposed. The primary heat reduction takes place through evaporative
cooling (unless humidity is extremely high), not radiation. Wouldn't care to guess at
the relative quantities of heat lost through convection vs. radiation. Any takers?

Duncan Fletcher

> Look up in the archives about colors and heat. This was a big discussion
> last year. Actually I think it was the dark horses that did better in the heat....
> Louise Burton
> FA AL BADI+ (black bay who thrives on heat and humidity)