> Having been knocked off of a trail by a rider like that and almost breking my
> neck as that rider continued on her merry way, I have zero tolerance for
> unsafe bad manners. Just the way I was brought up, I guess! Thanks, Karen!
San, someone we both know kind of well was adjusting her tack due to
pressing need at Malibu a few years ago. The trail, at that point was
narrow, but if one were to trot-by easily not difficult for two horses to
handle. Someone galloped by, didn't announce her intention as to, Coming
Through" and ran into our pal's horse, who in turn bounced into our
heroine, knocking her down the not so terribly steep embankment. The
offender didn't stop, didn't say a word. Had to notice running into a
horse at the canter.
Then again in 94 at Castle Rock my mohair girth gave way and I had to
stop, kind of early in the ride to fix it. Almost every rider that passed
me offered to help.
A head and a tails to every coin I suppose.
Tommy Crockett <tomydore@goblin.punk.net>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter