This is one thing I need to do and probably the most common suggestion from
off-lline replies - these and the saddle bags.
>4. Pack your trailer/truck so that you will come to what you need in order of
I try :-)
>5. When you arrive, don't stop to BS until you have done what is necessary!
I don't - ask Samm how many times she's come over to say Hi and ended up
helping me put up the tent or hold part of the tarp while she's talking :-))
>6. For me it works to:
This is what I do almost to a tee - part of my problem too - like many of
you is I am usually alone - not whining just explaining :-) My process is
getting better tho having my mom come to a ride with me really threw a loop
in it - I had no idea you needed so much water and food for two people
<VBG>. I guess that will require a seperate list (one for a ride alone, and
one for a ride with company).
A good suggestion I got off-line was to make lists of what needed to be done
once I get there (packing any remaining crew stuff, setting out buckets,
setting up beet-pulp, etc) - like I said it's not that I can't get the stuff
there, it's getting it together.
Glad to hear from some others that are the only ones left up in camp at
11:00 <g>
Huntsville, AL