Re: IAHA Sweepstakes

Don Collins (
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 19:11:07 -0700

> This is what I have NEVER figured out! Why would ANYONE in their right
> mind invest $2500 or $3500 for the chance to win $1000 back? The only
> advantage is if you can find a horse (cheap) already nominated, or breed to
> a nominated stallion (it's still going to cost you $300 to nominate the foal).
> Yes, there have been one or two people who nominated right before the ride
> when they had a very good chance of winning the National Championship ($5000).
> As a stallion owner with a reasonable stud fee ($400) I could never recoup
> the $3500. PLUS, if I wanted FA AL BADI+ to win any money, I'd have to not
> only nominate him as a breeding entry but as a nominated entry as well!
> Yes, we did win the Regional Championship in 1992....could've won $1000 I guess...
> Me, I'd rather invest my money in stocks or CDs!!!
> Louise

Louise, The original goal of IAHA sweepstakes nominating was to promote
the Arabian breed. To get more people out there ON Arabians. They were
trying to give people an incentive. As with most things involving money
things got a bit distorted over the years. I enjoy working to try to at
least place top five in CT at regionals on my mare who is sweepstakes
nominated. She's done it five years in a row and won her $250, that
paid for her hay anyway. I'm working on her brother for Endurance, he
likes endurance she likes CT's. Although he has won around $1500 in his
career so far. AS a stallion owner, with a reasonable stud fee, I felt
it worthwhile to spend the money to nominate my stallion. It adds value
to the foal and for a person looking to "make that special horse" why
not have the option of winning some money in that horses lifetime. The
$300 foal nomination is the way to do it. Just an Overview.

Penni S. Collins
Stillwater Spanish Arabians
Kalispell, MT