In order of my preference...
1. Conformation (good legs, short strong back, etc, etc.)
2. Attitude; I prefer an affectionate, relaxed, personable attitude over a
"gotta be first", "gotta win", horse. I don't want to be first (or even in
the top ten), I just want to have fun with my equine buddy!
3. Size; 14.2 or 14.3, much higher than that and I wont be able to get back
on halfway through long rides (I know this from experience, thank God for
4. Color isn't important *BUT* I have learned to love how reflective those
white (grey) horses are when it's dark out! : )
Jacqueline and Winza (just call me the Equine Flashlight!)
Author owned by Winza, 13 year old Crabbet Arabian gelding
I used to dream of owning a flashy chesnut or bright bay, perhaps even a
shining black, but when my perfect horse came in a never-to-be-clean
white... I shrugged and realized the meaning of "A good horse is never a
bad color".
Resent-Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 15:20:16 -0800 (PST)
Message-Id: <>
From: Joyce Kellenberger <>
Subject: Good Bone
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 97 15:23:00 PST
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
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What is the best way to determine "good bone?" Is it the diameter of
the cannon bone? When measuring the cannon bone, how much is considered
to be soft tissue (tendon, ligament)? What is desirable and how do you
know if you have good bone or not?