Wintec Pro Dressage Saddle
(no date)

>I have only two days to make a decision here, so your quick input is
>appreciated... Please email me directly as I'm about a month behind on my
digest -
though I skim it daily!
>I'm considering buying a Wintec Pro Dressage Saddle. Used/cheap :g: I
>tried it on my horse today in between rain showers, but with all the mud
>was only able to walk and slow trot/running walk down the street (I ride I
>TWH). The saddle appeared to fit him well by looking at him lunge and he
>seemed to be OK with it. When riding, I was able to stick my hand down in
>front along his shoulders w/out pinching. It is a cutback and he is
>moderate - low withered, so there was tons of room there. He gaited out
>really nice! - better then in my usual Circle Y Sport Saddle. After about
>40 mins of mostly walking, I pulled the saddle and checked for uneven
>sweating, etc.... What sweating??! In my Sport Saddle he would have had a
>completely sweated back under the saddle, but his back was 95% dry! The
>only place it was a little sweaty, was a thin verticle strip directly under
>the front of of the knee rolls and a half moon on each side under the back
>panel ends. It was only mildly sweaty and the hair was not matted or knotty.
I rode him in only navaho pad folded once, so basically no
>padding to speak of.
>I found the saddle comfortable for me and balanced (more so then my sport
>saddle), it was secure (we did a little muddy hill up and down).
>So, do I buy? Anyone an expert on saddle fitting? Anyone have experience
>with these or seen them at rides? I am hoping they'll take $250 for this
>I have normally ridden dressage/combined training until about 3 yrs ago. I
>am looking forward to restarting 2/month dressage lessons - which is one of
>the reasons I looked at this saddle. I can not afford a Sharon Saare or SR
>Eudoro or new original Sport Saddle at this time. I will probably get a
cool back
or other good pad and of course a seat cover for my rear!
>Thanks for your input!
>- Carrie

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