The post that the woman, who's name presently escapes me, about treatment
of clothing that has come into contact with infectious membrane was
excellent. Alamo Pindato in Solvang, an internationally reconized facility
uses the same procedures, plus burning all scrubs worn by the sole intern
allowed into the quarantined areas after exit. The attending vet uses
video at Alamo Pintado to access the patient. (coupled with the
observations of the attending intern).
BTW a gentleman made a nice informative post as well.
I miss Flossie more then anything otherwise missing from my life. I've
lost so many beloved livestock over the years, but the way she died and
the horrorific way it transpired won't go away. Big tough Nam vet and her
loss by such a terrible and helpless mode is more unforgettable then the
horror that was S.E. Asia in 1968-69. I shouldn't want to scare anyone,
but if fear helps raise awareness then so be it. I taught biochemistry &
organic chem and yet with all that accrued knowledge nothing I or anyone
else could do would stop it. Hourly monitoring of t cells and vitals
couldn't provide evidence leading to a cure.
One word folks, ask your vet if you think there is the slightest
possibilty... ENDOVAC-EQUI. It's a registered trademark. There's no
current vaccine that will fend off Salmonella. ENDOVAV-EQUI is a vaccine
that's broad spectrum and will protect against the endotoxin. It works if
administered early enough. Just between the 690 or so of us currently
receiving messages, via E-L, often vets regard barn panic as a clear and
present danger. Almost as bad as the disease. Keep that in mind while
Tommy Crockett <>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter