Re: Mares & SS

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Sat, 18 Jan 97 19:37:39 PST

REPLY TO 01/18/97 18:56 FROM Mares & SS

As for the SS, I have one that sits like a rock on my horse. I attribute this
to the Skito pad that I use. Heck, after 30 minutes, I can't slide it up even
when I want to adjust it. Mine is "peaked" at the withers for my other horse
who has high withers. The horse I'm using it on doesn't, but it hasn't been
a problem. I like it because it seems to allow for more airflow. It doesn't
cost anything extra if you're already getting the stirrups moved back or the
3" cantle.

I have to also mention that I have never had any problems with my
Sport Saddles "moving" at all on the back. They seem to find the
"right" spot, and stay there, regardless of going up and down
hill, and with a loose cinch and breastcollar. I also use the
Skito pad, with good results.

