Susan was correct to expose this hateful messge to her. First Pattie
is writing to the list to say let us Pray for Tom Ivers (no problem
with that...I wish Tom the best too) and then privately telling Susan
she wishes she was in the CCU! I'm sorry, but I've lost a cousin this
year in the CCU and have spent many many weeks in one with my mother
and this really hit a nerve. To wish illness and possible death on
someone just because you don't agree with them?! This is just sick.
Tom and Susan are grownups, they can fight their own battles and there
is no way Susan caused Tom to have a heart attack. That is just
This list has really changed its flavor with this hateful bantering
back and forth. It is no longer the friendly list it use to be. Yes,
I've received lots of information and made good friends on this list
but unfortunatly, I'm about ready to tune it out too. I'm sorry to
even add to this, I fumed about it all weekend and had decided to stay
out of it, sending hate like Patty did is just ignorance, but I had to
reply to this.
If Patty hadn't projected the impression to the list she was all good
hearted and wanted to just pray for Tom while at the same time telling
Susan she wished she was on deaths doorstep it wouldn't have mattered,
then yes, Susan should have kept it private. Put Patty's public letter
was deceitful in the implication she was all good. I see a big
conflict here, and I am glad Susan exposed it.
Go ahead and flame if you want, but do us all a favor and flame me
Kimberly (&MYstery the Morab..."no opinion here, just keeping warm....)