This whole subject was never about 25's being equal in difficulty to 50's or
100's, it was about people being able to ride at the level they, for what
ever reasons, choose to do and to still be part of the sport, simply asking
not to be looked down on or treated as inferior by ride managers, vets and
other riders and simply asking for ALL to be polite on the trail to each other.
I agree, this subject is getting old, since some people's ego's seem to be
involved and they feel threathened it'll never end, so lets just let it die
a peaceful death.
However, I do want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Samm for her most
eloquently written posts, she's been able to see to the core of these posts
and has explained it very plainly and simply to those that wish to read and
understand them.
Thanks, Samm with ((hugs))