What happens when a horse comes to the veterinary teaching hospital for
colic surgery - Dr. Christy Bacon-Miller
Tying-up in performance horses - Dr. Lorie A. Moore
Wound Management and bandaging - Dr. Joanne Kramer
Update on Equine Laminitis (founder) - Dr. Philip Johnson
Equine Nutrition - Dr. Dan Netemeyer
Metabolic stress in distance horses - Dr. Dane Frazier
Metabolic diseases in distance horses - Dr. Dane Frazier
The fee is $30.00 and includes lunch for those who preregister, refreshments
at break, and handout material.
Questions: College of Veterinary Medicine
Continuing Education and Extention
W234 Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri 65211
(573) 882-7848
Fax: (573) 882-2950