Re[2]: Lymes Disease

Bonnie Snodgrass (
Tue, 28 Jan 97 12:21:47 EST

We live in Southern Maryland. No this isn't a sudden outbreak. This
&$(#%&@ stuff's been in this area for years. We've both done searches
on the internet under Lymes and found very little. I've gotten more
info in one morning from the great people of ridecamp and E-L then all
my searches so far. Interestingly (or should I say dissapointedly) I
have yet to receive a reply from a veterinarian, but I waiting
hopefully if not patiently (VBG). We've had 2-3 dogs at the barn
contract it also but they responded quickly to treatment. We were
still picking ticks off the animals in Dec. Yessirree, I love living
in Maryland.

Bonnie Snodgrass

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Subject: Re: Lymes Disease
Author: at smtp
Date: 1/28/97 12:12 PM

In a message dated 97-01-28 07:50:22 EST, you write:

<< I had no idea that this disease is so difficult to deal with. Please
anyone with info, experience or references please respond to me and I
will pass it on to my desoerate friend.

Bonnie Snodgrass

It would be helpful to those who read yoru post to tell us where this horse
is located. Is there an outbreak of this? Also, please look into the vet
websites available through - among others - Pet Caare Forum. Also, call Davis
and CSU for information. Good luck.