>I need to teach a horse to neckrein because I want to
>eventually ride in a Vosal. Any tips in training to neckrein?
I wanted Rhandy to be able to eat the grass growing near his yard, so I
tied one end of a rope high on a tree at one side of the area, and
stretched it across the area and tied the other end high in another tree.
Put a ring around the rope that would slide. Tied his lead rope to the
ring, so he could just reach the ground. He was able to graze a large
area, and when he went too far to the side, it would gently pull him
back. sometimes it would pull from the halter, sometimes from the
neck.(depending on which side of the rope he happened to be on.) He soon
learned to give to the rope, and next time I rode him I noticed he reined
much better. Wondered why. figured it out.