Re: Ford Explorer
Tue, 28 Jan 1997 18:46:42 -0500

Prologue: Paul Fitzgerald, IBM Healthcare Solutions
Tel: 07 3213 2099 Fax: 07 3213 2013
Mobile: 0412 792 375
Epilogue: Paul.

Thanks Teddy,
This vehicle will only be a secondary tow vehicle, we have a Toyota Landcruiser
which is great. The trailer is a tag-a-long and ways (fully laden) about
4.5-5000 lbs. Max legal weight here is about 5500 lbs depending on the tow
vehicle. The Explorer has a legal load, with auto transmission, of 5500 lbs.
We do plan to go to a gooseneck next year and will probably go for a larger
truck at that time.
---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Fitzgerald/Australia/IBM on 29-01-97
09:32 ---------------------------

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28-01-97 19:19