HUMANE SOCIETY is back at it!
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 12:41:55 -0500 (EST)

Just a note from a good friend of mine who gets these regular newsletters
from Humane Society - they are back on the warpath about the 3Day eventing at
the Olympics AND at the endurance riders. They apparently feel that not
enough precautions are taken to insure the welfare of the animals. At
present, of course, not many riders will argue the point that there is no
other sport that more closely monitors its horses than endurance. Two
thoughts on this from this end -
1. We need to be aware that they are "after us" again and prepare for their
unsolicited attentions and major ride sites, and
2. This would NOT be the time for whoelsale changes that would give any
indication of riding for reward -, i.e., cash awards, big prizes,
professional classifications. All of these things have in the past led to
horse abuse in the name of profit, in kind and in cash. As such, we believe
that this is the time to watch our own house, so that there is no reason for
this way-out coalition to push for stricter controls or an outright ban of
our sport.

And so, let's all bend our efforts toward making certain that our houses are
in order and our horses receiveing of exemplary care, such as we generally
see ANYWAY! Personally, we are disconcerted by the over-zealous attentions of
any far-left or far-right group, and this is no different. They are
historically opposed to endurance, rodeo, jumping, eventing, racing, and
bottom line, any confinement or use of an animal outside of its natural
habitat. So, we are warned. i will have the article in my hand today if you
have any questions or if any of you have read it, please let me know.