Re: Non-typical endurance horses
Truman Prevatt (
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 09:24:12 -0400
>In a message dated 97-01-22 13:56:54 EST, you write:
><< I'm planning on breeding my
> mustang mare to Doc Thunder Bask maybe this year maybe next. What will
> that product? A MusRab or a Artang?
> >>
>Got to do some thinking about THAT one! we have Morabs, Pintabians, even
>Aralusians, although they didn't really take off - not very good management
>form our experience. How about a Mustarabian?
Now if I bred my Tennessee walking horse to an Arab would it be an Arabain
walking horse?
Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL