
Ron Olko (
Sat, 18 Jan 1997 18:35:14 -0800

I've been reading the conditioning advice from Wendy. It makes great =
sense to
me. I have some questions though. My endurance mount is a 16.2 TB mare. =

She has a resting pulse rate of 32 (taken at vet check in) and a good =
condition resting pulse rate of 25. She also recovers very quickly when =
in condition. But I remenber reading the 15-15-15 rule. My mare can do =
that the 1st day of riding after 6 months off. If I step up my pace at =
this point, what harm
can I do to possibly unready tendons and ligaments? Or are they ready?
How do you tell when they are ready? Doesn't the cardiovascular system, =
condition faster? If we condition by heart rate, could we possibly be =
hurting muscles,ligaments and tendons?
Kris - just don't want to blow it