To the person who asked about mares tying up (sorry, I've lost the original
message), I may have some information that can help. Today, while
attending the Michigan Veterinary Conference, I went to a lecture on
recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER, or "tying up"). The speaker
mentioned the high percentage of TB racing fillies that exhibited RER.
Altough she didn't say WHY mares tie up more often, (particularly in
estrus) she did go on to say that ovariectomy (spay) and/or hormone therapy
DID NOT halt the mares' tendency to tie up.
I won't bore everyone with the details of the lecture, just wanted to let
you now that there's someone out there who has done research related to
your problem. I would suggest contacting the source; sorry I don't have the
phone #, but here's the rest: Stephanie Valberg DVM PhD, Dept. of
Clinical and Population Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN 55108.
After meeting Dr. Valberg, I am sure that she would welcome your questions.
Hope this helps!
Shalom B'yaled (I'm so Egyptian I still have an accent...)
Khomytt (doesn't have a clue what he's in for)
(BTW, I've seen this Faust horse....WOW! Guess warmbloods aren't just for
the dressage ring......)