what goes around comes around I guess....
hmmm, is this because LD folks always seem to feel the need to defend
decisions or upper distance folks are afraid the LD riders are gonna
over "their" sport? :-)
Personally, I haven't done LD rides, even on my younger horse, because I
am fortunate enough to be able to do 25 mile and greater training rides
at home. Getting my horse accustomed to crowds and staying at the back
of the pack is done by volunteering to ride 'safety' at the back of CT
rides that are held locally. That way I save my hauling for the trips
to do 50-mile and greater rides. Others who are not so fortunate need
those LD rides as a place to let the horse experience crowds and greater
distances before moving up. I expect to do some LD rides with my
daughter because she's not up to doing a 50-miler yet. In this case,
she needs the experience, not the horse...
As a divorced father who is very involved with my two kids and with a
job that takes 40-50 hours each week, I think I am probably as limited
as anyone for training time. Yet I manage to do reasonably well at
conditioning my horse to do 50's. This spring we hope to do one or two
100's. Of the almost 1000 competition miles he's completed, the only LD
ride was my 9-year old's first ride. The biggest challenge is to get
enough training miles in initially when starting a green horse. After
that, it is just knowing the horse well so that he isn't over-ridden and
staying at it. A relatively fit horse that has gotten that way through
a steady diet of 25-mile rides ought to be plenty capable of doing easy
50's (and barring some physical problem, so should his rider). I guess
what I am saying is that, although LD rides may be fun and there is
NOTHING WRONG with only doing them, many people could do 50's if they
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Resent-Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:52:48 -0800 (PST)
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 12:54:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Tommy Crockett <tomydore@goblin.punk.net>
To: Robbi Pruitt <Robbi_Pruitt@bendnet.com>
cc: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: HYPP?, long pasterns, gelding rebates
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On Tue, 28 Jan 1997, Robbi Pruitt wrote:
> Tommy Crockett,
> Before we bad mouth a fine group of horses out there, (McCoys) let me
> say that HYPP is a disease that affects ONLY quarter horses that
> descend from the popular halter sire Impressive. There are several
you're right I typed faster then I thought. I meant CID. I also meant
Nabbor-McCoy and didn't infer the The Real McCoy was the bearer. I think
your remarks are well taken in whole as a public sentiment, but if you
want to take me to take I'd love to do it in e-mail rather then burden the
listserver with further possible persoal differences. :)
As Frank isn't alive to defend what was known at the time or not,
actually the point is moot.
Tommy Crockett <tomydore@goblin.punk.net>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter
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Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 10:45:07 +0000
From: Ramey Peticolas-Stroud <ramey@wvi.com>
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To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: SR Saddle Wanted
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WANTED: Used SR Saddle. Can pick-up at the AERC Convention. Please
respond by E-mail privately. Thank you.
Ramey Peticolas-Stroud