Hi Connie, yes, I prefer barley at times, because it is higher in energy
while providing approximately the same protein content and has a
slightly better micromineral balance than do oats. So if I'm trying to
get in more calories per pound than is contained in oats, but don't want
to feed alot of corn for some reason, I feed barley. However, barley
also contains less fiber than do oats, so this should be taken into
consideration as well. (Sometimes you may want more fiber, sometimes
you may not).
Barley is considered a "hard" grain, as is corn, and the digestibility
will increase somewhat (enough to make it worthwhile) if it is
processed, as in crimping or rolling. Oats are a soft grain and the
digestibility is not increased by processing, assuming the horse's teeth
are in good shape.
However like oats and corn and ESPECIALLY rice or wheat bran, barley has
a high phosphorus content and very low calcium content, so if you're
feeding any of these, you should be very careful that the
calcium/phosphorus ratio is not inverted.
Hope this helps.