> On Tue, 14 Jan 1997 SandyDSA@aol.com wrote:
> > Just a note from a good friend of mine who gets these regular newsletters
> > from Humane Society - they are back on the warpath about the 3Day eventing at
> > the Olympics AND at the endurance riders.
> [snip]
> >
> > And so, let's all bend our efforts toward making certain that our houses are
> > in order and our horses receiveing of exemplary care, such as we generally
> > see ANYWAY! [snip] They are
> > historically opposed to endurance, rodeo, jumping, eventing, racing, and
> > bottom line, any confinement or use of an animal outside of its natural
> > habitat.
> [lurk mode off...]
> All of the above comments are valid, *and* be prepared to deal with
> completely irrational hostility.
After the Sunland Ride two years ago a vehicle followed me into a gas
station and jumped on me about horse abuse. Most verbal and what seemed
to be potenially violent in the agressive tone. Seems they noticed a
number in greasepaint on Rebel's butt and one of those big ole Tevis
reflector stickers on the back of the trailer.
There's nothing we can do to change their mind, but the above incident
noted, just shows how well researched they are. I'd wager three forths of
all horseowners wouldn't reconize an endurance horse coming home from a
ride just from the two clues that these folks had to go on.
I don't know if there's much danger the the lunatic fringe will get
endurance and Combined training "outlawed." I do worry that anybody crazy
enough to lay down in front of semi trucks setting up a PRCA rodeo at the
LA County fairgrounds just might take a poke at me or worse in any future
confrontation. I handled it, BTW, just by ignoring them. I think it worked
better then getting beaten up as I was by myself and they had me in
numbers if not reason.
I agree that the best course of action is to keep our horses fit and ready
for competition and keep an eye on the H of R agenda should anything crazy
begin to unfold on the legislative level. I totally agree with Mark's
philospophy of being prepared.
*******Just my two cents all standard disclaimers apply*******
****not the only method on earth just mine that's all****
Tommy Crockett <tomydore@goblin.punk.net>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter