In regards to taking awhile for the horse to figure out extended gaits,
Ti stated: "You can accelerate the process, though, using acceleration
workouts. Trot easy, trot hard, trot easy, trot hard. Two or three
workouts like this (4 or 5 days apart) and you have a nice case of
positive dissociation. At least, that's the way it works in
Standardbred trotters.
Could you clarify for me trot easy, trot hard? Does this refer to
speed, length or what? Make it easy...I'm only a human!
Also, positive dissociation. Could you explain, please.
Thank you all for your positive inputs to this list, I'm learning tons
although a lot of it is still over my head!
Kimberly (&Mystery the wet but happy Morab)
& Sonny (Standardbred who trots and paces)
& Gamble (almost blind but still hanging in there.....)
Petaluma, CA