I do keep a master list of everything to do and bring, from Advil to
electrolytes, from socks to saddle pads, then check them off as I go.I am
collecting more Rubbermaid tubs and Strongid C buckets with each passing
year...and strive to: keep the Coggins test in the truck all year long...bring
enough water for the first night at least...prepack hay nets for the vet
checks...pre-enter the ride...get to the ride early enough to get a camping spot
within one mile of the check-in and porta-potty...assemble all gear the night
before where it won't get damp...put a flashlight in every pocket and
corner...take a deep breath and realize that no matter what happens, I'll be
ready to head down the trail when the ride starts.
Bobbie Lieberman and
Fine Print ("Woman, I thought I told you to wait in the truck!)
You wrote:
<<<What kinds of things do you do before leaving home that make setting up
camp, vetting in and getting stuff ready for the checks easier once you
arrive at a ride??
I ask because no matter how organized I *think* I am when I leave I always
seem to in a tizzy Friday afternoon getting stuff together and am usually
finishing up after the riders meeting....It's not that I forget much -- I
just seem to have trouble getting all my poop together once I'm there :-)
Tina - tired of running around like a chicken with her head cut off before a
ride (where did that saying come from, anyway?)
Tony - please, someone, settle her down