Horse/Rider Compatibility/Mismatch?
Pamela M. Corley (
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 10:46:53 -0800 (PST)
What factors do you use to evaluate the horse/rider combination?
When it is appropriate to sell a horse versus when it is necessary for the
rider to keep on working with the same horse?
It has been nearly two years since I purchased my 13 year old Arab
mare. I had been taking arena lessons, had no trail experience, and
extremely limited experience with Arabs. My short term goal was to become
an experienced trail rider with my long term goal to ride endurance.
She regularly shied at all sudden movements and noises, and would
on occasion freeze and it felt like she was going to bolt. I have finally
learned to ride through her shies and spooks.
What bothers me now is that I have not yet achieved the bond with
her that I hoped for. She still does not willingly work with me. When
she has an attitude it is as though there is a horse/rider personality
conflict. She is not particularly dangerous (no bucking/rearing), but she
is more likely than most to panic.
Thanks for your comments either offline or online.
Pamela Corley