Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Nutrition again - gut sounds]]
Susan F. Evans (
Thu, 09 Jan 1997 15:02:28 -0800 wrote:
> In a message dated 97-01-06 09:33:38 EST, you write:
> << Maybe for a horse sitting around or after a hard fast workout. But an
> endurance horse is on the trail and all his systems are responding to
> producing motion and cooling, not processing food into energy. I would
> like to see these curves on an endurance horse during a hot ride. I doubt
> if they exist.
> Truman >>
> I'd like to see the curves, too, just out of curiosity. So, between the two
> of us, Truman and I will provide the supplies for these tests. Truman, you
> game for that? You can provided either the carbs or the glucometers, I'll
> provide the other. Limit the number of participants to a statistical sample
> Susan will find non-threatening.
> ti
Dear Tom,
Grow up.
Susan Evans