Extending the Trot and Walk Too

Stoots, Tish (tish_s@erc.montana.edu)
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:51:50 -0700

Tom, Linda and the ongoing Easy Trot/Hard Trot Discussion:

Thank you for the training tip on how to accelerate a horse learning the
extended trot. In my experience, once they get it, they love to do it.

One thing I do for the extended trot is keep pushing it til they try to
break into a canter and keep them just slower than that edge. It just
feels great too.

I do the same to teach a horse how to extend a walk. I keep pushing til
they want to break into a trot and keep them right at that gate. I have
seen many endurance horses develop what I call the "endurance walk,"
where they get soooooo sloooooww walking into the checkpoints. I hate

Tish Stoots
Bozeman, MT