Re: Why we use numbers
Truman Prevatt (
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 12:32:42 -0400
One place where numbers on the horse come in very handy is in the P&R area.
In the SE most P&R areas are run as follows. There is a P&R timer at the
entrance to the P&R area, which is roped off. When the horse entries the
rider announces for "time for number X". The timer records X and the time.
Then when the P&R is verified the P&R person looks at the horses butt and
calls for "time on X" and the timer gives him the time the rider called
which is written on the card. If the horse is not down, it is sent out of
the P&R area to get back in line and start the process over. BTW this
keeps people form being penelized when there is a back up at the P&R.
The number comes in quite handy in keeping the process moving efficiently.
Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL