OTher stabilized brans
Gwen Dluehosh (dluehosh@vt.edu)
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 21:57:28 +0500
Triple Crown also has a Rice bran (Southern States) that doean't go rancid,
at least over the summer! It has Vit aE in it too and some other stuff I
believe... Havne't gotten any for a while.
>the only two stablized rice brans are SATIN FINISH and NATURAL GLO
>..there may be others..but i believe they are made by one of these mfgrs.
>I posted this b4.. dont use the gross rancid un-stablized rice bran.. you may
>just kill your horse..spend the extra bucks and feed the right stuff.
Gwen Dluehosh
Desert Storm Arabians
1156 Hightop Rd, #89
Blacksburg, VA 24060