Jim Mitchell/Gary Fend
You are both correct in a way and at the same time you are both misinformed.
(not wrong but misinformed)
The data must be gathered and a process called "differential correction"
applied. Differential correction takes the data gathered by a "base station"
at a known location and compares it to the "rover" or field data and makes
the corrections to abberitions caused in part by atmospheric conditions and
to militarily induced misinformation(this last is to be removed soon)
The stated maximum deviation of +/- 100 meters is from any one location
recorded and not accumulative. Of greater importance in GPS work is the fact
that the necessary satellites are not always available 24 hours a day in
every location. Planning on when to do your data acquisition is very
important! You do not want to be out there and find you can't do your work.
(of course you can just ride and come back another day and get the trail
Hey you guys are having me hold a class on GPS in an endurance forum. MY
apologies Steph, but they press my buttons and I spout.
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID